Golem, Albania

May 1-4, 2025

Firm Foundations:
Standing Strong in a Shifting World

In today’s changing world, staying deeply rooted in God’s eternal truths is essential. At the conference, connect with educators from across Europe, refuel your spirit through worship and prayer, and gain encouragement and practical tools for your calling.

New this year, experience AWAKE (Ambassadors Working As Kingdom Educators)—an inspiring, one-day program designed for Christian teachers in any school setting. Easy to run and already producing significant results, AWAKE equips educators to bring more of Jesus’ love and power into their schools and communities. Join us for a transformative time of worship, prayer, teaching, and fellowship.

Registration ends April 1st!

We hope you will join us!

Before AWAKE, I was in a deep depression about work. I had applied for a job that I really wanted and did not get it. I felt like my whole world was collapsing professionally. I felt depressed, jilted, and angry. Every time I would step into the building my blood pressure would skyrocket to the point of being put on blood pressure meds. My doctor told me that this job was not worth my health. He offered to write a note so I could step away to get healthy. He thought I was going to have a stroke at any point, because even with medication my blood pressure was way too high. I told him I could make it the remaining two months with prayer. The school year ended and I prayed about what to do for the following year. I didn't feel like I could go back and face the same circumstances. I earnestly prayed for God to show me what to do. I applied at a Christian school, but nothing happened. Meanwhile, I was getting texts and emails about an AWAKE Experience in Ohio. I signed up to go. If I was going back  I needed something.  

At AWAKE, God revealed many things to me. First, I am an Ambassador of Christ and if I had changed jobs, I would not see children as much as I do in my present job. I needed to repent of my anger and prideful feelings. That is not what God wanted of me. I needed to rest in the arms of Jesus and let the Holy Spirit work within me to create a person who walks as an Ambassador for Christ. I need to be the Christ that some of those children never see. In my present position, I can create an environment of hope and encouragement for an entire district to see.  

After AWAKE, I have felt the overwhelming power of the Holy Spirit guiding me each day. He has kept me driven and alive in my position. I am off medication and my blood pressure and overall health have been normal. I am eager to start the day and be the Ambassador I was created to be. This has been my favourite year in the last 15 years. My own children have noticed a huge difference in the way I talk about school. Amazing! 

I know I have been put here for several reasons. One of those reasons is to be a light for students. I have learned that God has placed me in an environment where I can pray over  the 125 kids that I see each day. I can shine brightly when I stay in the Presence of God. AWAKE has helped me see the 'light" of day at work and I will continue on this path to encourage others and bring hope to students and staff alike.

- Anonymous AWAKE participant