What We Do
Equipping Christian educators across Europe to fulfil their calling as ambassadors of Christ in the classroom by providing resources, training, and spiritual support.
Our Purpose
The European Educators’ Christian Association (EurECA) is a volunteer based network, aiming to serve God by serving and equipping Christian teachers across Europe. Our desire is to see Christian teachers everywhere living fully as sons and daughters of their loving Heavenly Father, taking His presence with them as they serve Him faithfully wherever they are sent. We aim to encourage the development of strong national organizations for Christian teachers, Christian schools, Christian parents and school board members. We do not wish to compete with, or replace any other such organisation. Rather we seek to strengthen them through a growing international network. We seek to serve Christian educators in the whole range of educational contexts, including home education, state schools, private schools and Christian schools.
Our Background
In 1990 a group of interested individuals from various countries met in Kandern, Germany, to form an organization that would support Christian educators across Europe. The European Educators’ Christian Association grew out of this initiative and was officially founded and registered in 1993 as “eingetragener gemeinnütziger Verein” (non-profit association) under German law. The EurECA office is, since 2020, located in Zürich, Switzerland. For more information about EurECA’s backgroud read the History of EurECA.
What would Europe be like if:
Every child had the opportunity to be taught for a year by a Christian teacher?
Every Christian teacher was encouraged daily to continue living a life of service, love, and Godly influence?
Every Christian teacher was equipped to think and act biblically in their work?
People heard about the truth, goodness and compassion of God through education across Europe?
How EurECA works towards this vision:
Provide training, support, and encouragement for Christian educators in the form of conferences, workshops, virtual meetups, and prayer.
Encourage collaboration between Christians and Christian organizations across Europe in the area of education.
Be a meeting-place, for Christian educators to connect with colleagues across Europe for discussion and sharing of resources and ideas.
Help Christian educators to live out their faith in their educational calling.
Promote Christian involvement in education across Europe.
Some of EurECA’s Achievements
Every year since 1992, EurECA has held an international conference on topics of education and faith, with anywhere between 29 and 138 participants, in varying countries. Since 2004, these conferences have taken place on Ascension weekend, going from Thursday evening to Sunday noon. See Conferences.
The achievement we are most proud of is the individual members who take their own time and resources to train, support, and serve teachers outside of their own communities. As well as the generous donors (many of them educators themselves) who support teachers with a limited income that would not be able to attend our trainings otherwise.
At the conference of 1995, participants became aware of the great contrast between the need in the east and the abundance in the west. Some Swiss participants started an organization to collect used but good school furniture which was disposed in Switzerland. In July 1996 a first truck left to Hungary with 525 chairs and 208 desks. By the end of 2022, 226 trucks with a total of 38’018 chairs and 17’925 desks were delivered, along with much other much-needed material, to nine countries and many brave schools. See Pro Schule Ost.
In 1997, EurECA members met together in Prague to formulate a declaration about Christian education and the role of Christian educators in Europe. This document is known as The Prague Declaration.
In 2006, the conference aimed to collect and make accessible materials based on a Christian worldview for practical use in the classroom. This library covers many subjects and all age groups. See Resources. We need someone to attend and develop this library – please contact us if that someone could be you!
In 2009, conference participants brought along personal “stories of transformation” – encouraging experiences of God’s presence and loving influence in the classroom; these stories were collected and can be found under Stories.