Blog Posts
„You can do anything - just believe in yourself!“ Does that sound familiar? It’s one of those standard secular lies. It sounds astonishingly similar to Jesus’ statement „If you have faith, you can tell a mountain to move“ (Mt 17,20), or like Paul’s saying „I can do all things through Christ“ (Phil 4,13)…
The Bucket List
Are you familiar with this term? Apparently it became a worldwide metaphor through the movie with the same name in 2007, where two men (Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman) who are terminally ill, meet in a hospital room and join to accomplish their list of things to do before they die. Thanks to the blatant wealth of the white man Cole, they succeed largely with their primarily selfish goals…
Standing Firm
Human nature is weak and easily seduced by temptations - that is demonstrated already in the story of Adam and Eve, but also in our daily lives: How hard it is to discipline ourselves to do our exercises, or to resist the whisperings of chocolate, or coffee, or …
Some Christians are reluctant about apologetics. They say „No one comes to faith in Christ through apologetics.“ Whether that’s true or not, depends on what you understand by „apologetics“. True is, however, that a shocking number of youths who were raised in Christian families, fall away from their faith during university. They have not learned to cope with the arguments of secular society against the Christian faith…
Our western society over-emphasizes emotions. Emotions are fickle. They need the assistance of reason in order to contribute to a productive life. I would say, we are influenced by our feelings, AND we can influence them. It works both ways, but to be CONTROLLED by feelings is to be enslaved by them. That should not be…
I went a bit far last week by saying the Fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5,22) are attitudes. I was using worldly terms. In worldly terms it is true. Attitudes are formed by drawing moral conclusions from our experiences. It is our choice what we make of our experience. Facing adversity, we can give up or persevere…