Standing Firm

Human nature is weak and easily seduced by temptations - that is demonstrated already in the story of Adam and Eve, but also in our daily lives: How hard it is to discipline ourselves to do our exercises, or to resist the whisperings of chocolate, or coffee, or … 

„Discipline“ is closely related to „disciple“. If we want to be disciples of Jesus, we must discipline ourselves to recognize and refute the whisperings of this world, such as „Follow your feelings!“ / „It’s not worth the effort“ / „Your faith is irrational.“ Jesus came to set us free from the slavery of obeying the world’s whisperings. He said „Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be given to you“ (Mat 6,33).

He modeled this discipline when he was tempted by the devil (Mat 4). He recognized and refuted the temptations. I’m sure that wasn’t easy, given the rewards the great liar promised. But aren’t we glad? Where would we be if Jesus had not refused? He refused because he believed firmly that God’s will is far better than worldly promises.

Do you know the „Marshmallow test“? If not, you must see it! It shows little kids struggling with temptation. (3.5 min)

A longitudinal study showed that the kids who were able to resist the temptation, became the happier, socially more balanced, professionally more successful grownups.  (7min18s):

So Jesus’ appeal to stand firm against temptation applies not only in view of his promised kingdom, but even against the whisperings of consumerist society in view of a happy earthly life.

May we stand firm for God’s kingdom - and teach our youths to stand firm!


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